Danone Specialized Nutrition (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd supports exclusive breastfeeding for your infant’s first six months of life. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.

Find out what you should consider before returning to work

Questions to consider: part time or full time? How can I best master the balancing act between family and career? What do I need to prepare to return back to work?

It is an advantage to return to your work. But some woman would leave their employer after parental leave for a new employer or start their own business.

Some women may set a few days as home office days while the rest of the time will be set to work in the enterprise. 

If you intend to share a job, you will need a partner that has needs just like you. It is important to have a strong chemistry to support each other for long term and reliability. In this case scenario, both must agree to share the job of the partner in the event of an illness.

For those returning to work, the earlier you reach the office, the easier you can set your time to pick up your child from day-care or kinder garden. 

The re-entry to work force is not easy. The demands of everyday life with childcare and work needs to be restructured. To best enjoy both children and work life1:

  • Have a back plan on child care

  • Reach out to others (for example leaning into your support circle: your partner, friends or talking to other working moms)

  • Ask for flexibility in workplace (for example negotiating with boss)

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